A thought....
It's amazing how from the day we're born, we're hit with life's everyday problems. Each and every one of us, has something that worries them, I guess it varries depending on the situation, and on how the person deals with those problems.
You go through a dark time, and you start seeing everything in black, everything seems gloomy, and you see no way out of it. A lot of times, we sink so deep into our surrows that we fail to see the light down the tunnel, or the many doors that open up for us and we concentrate on those we can't open.
I'm teaching myself to put together add together the little things, to make me happy. Not to let life's everyday problems get to me. It's easy to sob and burry ourselves in self-pity. It is so not worth it. There's a lot out there that we haven't seen yet, that we haven't experiened yet. We can't let a small thing pull us down. Life waits for no one. Life only offer to those who are strong enough, and who have the will power to stand up, and fight for what they want....
Posted by Noors at 10:41 AM
as a person whose had that kind of experience over and again...i would have to say that would be as good as any place to start at..
good luck ;o)
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