Movies, movies and more movies..
A couple of movies that I watched since I got back home (still jetlagged so I'm having trouble sleeping at night, though it should be over by now).
Anywayyyy, here goes...
The pink panther
I wasn't very excited to go watch the movie when it was out here in Muscat so I never made any effort to go watch it, and the only reason I rented it to be honest was because nothing else caught my attention.
For some reason I liked it. It was silly, well not all of it, but some scenes were just really really silly, but it was a good watch. I enjoyed it and I even laughed a few times, even those silly scenes made me laugh. Oh and I didn't fall asleep while watching it (I usually do when I watch a movie late at night).
Speaking of the pinkpanther, I've always loved the cartoon. I think it was one of my favourites as a kid.
Something new
A romantic story that was very touching. A white man and a black woman fall in love. The woman is rather uptight because of the way she was brought up, very serious, burries herself in work, and at the same time, she couldn't fill the void she felt from not having someone in her life.
She meets Brian, as a blind date, and excuses herself. She couldn't allow herself to be seen with a white dude, what would the society say about her? What would her parents say when they find out? Sounds familiar? Yup!
Anyway he ends up working as her landscaper, and the story continues from there.
I saw the trailer ages ago, and I only got it by chance today, but I'm glad I did. Yeah, yeah, go ahead, I know I'm all mushy lol.
Now being back here, there are so many obligations you need to take care of (mostly social). Some make me feel uncomfortable, but you gotta do what you gotta do I guess.
Posted by Noors at 1:23 PM
I wanna watch SOMETHING NEW but i have a friend (a chick) that doesn't wanna watch it cause its all lovey wovey...
but now i think i'm gonna force her to watch it..
I saw something new, OK I know guys can be persistant and all, but the guy in this movie over did it...
Pink panther, not bad for laughs...
@degoat, lol yeah you should watch it, but don't blame me if you find it boring! hehe
@nash, well, i didn't find him that persistant, he clearly felt some kind of attraction from her, that's why he kept on going I guess.
Hey there! :D
Movies, huh?!! :D looool! The same here! As they say a movie a day keeps the boredom away! :p
So that's basically what have been into lately. I haven't watched any of the two you mentioned. Seems I should rent them.
The last movie which I watched on DVD and liked was 16 Blocks :)
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