Life is a series of experiences put together that eventually define a person's whole character.
Each and every second in our lives is different, and by each and every second we learn something, and change. We might not be able to realize it, because it was probably of not much effect at the present time, but later, when you get to a certain situation, this little thing that you've learnt and had no idea you did, comes in handy, and sometimes you'd be surprised at the things you do, I guess it's all due to the accumulations of our 'experiences'.
Some things that we go through are easy, some are difficult. Others are happy, while a few are sad and irritating. A lot of us would love to go through life, wait, did I say a lot, sorry I meant all of us, would love to go about living in peace, with no problems that would worry you and keep you up all night, and with no sad moments that would make you cry, but it's what you come out with I guess, once you've gone through it all, and experienced what it felt like, that really matters, and eventhough at that time, we might question why it had to be 'us' who were going through this, later we realize that it was probably not such a bad experience after all.
Posted by Noors at 11:37 PM
i think i have an idea what you're talking about and my reply to you is: let it all out and express yourself and your sadness in whatever way suitable and when you're done, you will feel so much better so much more fresh that, that thing that had bothered you so much no longer exists.
(because obviously you would have done something about it in the process)..
I usually let everything out, in my own way, and I know it helps.
But what gave you the impression that I was sad? It's just a post about life in general, lol philosophy la!
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