I can't seem to be able to sit and study. It's a hopeless case.
I know I need to work hard, and I am, it's just the lack of concentration that is driving me up the wall.
I keep telling myself that I need to sit down and put my head straight, lol. Easier said than done.
Focus, focus, focus! Only 3 weeks to go, I don't want to blow this off....
Posted by Noors at 4:19 PM
Believe me..It always happens..and you will look back and laugh at what has passed and will ask yourself: How did I get through all of that? :P
Noors..I have been reading your blog since decade or so :D and really like it..keep posting.
I don't think you should entirely shut everything out. Take some time off when you need to have a breather..
You'll do great on your exams/tests inshallah..
You have plenty of faith. If you still find yourself that you're having problems watch a comedy (sitcom or movie) and when you're finished you'll feel totally relaxed and ready to concentrate even though you will have the occasional giggle now and then from remembering the tids and bits from what you just watched..
I won't say good luck because you really don't need it. I will say ALLAH YOWAFQECH..
lemme know how it goes..
It's just that it's been a long year, with no breaks at all, except for eid, and I'm just tired of everything, lol. I need a break so badly...
so take a vacation..
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