I feel awful right now. I hate it when things get to me.
I was totally ignored by the girls in my group, I kept calling them to ask them about the oncall and which doctor was coming in, but with no response. Now that they were done, and apparently had a good teaching rounds, they all decide to suddenly remember me and sms me to tell me that their oncall was very exciting, and their reason for not answering my calls or smsing me was because they were 'busy'.
It's not just that, I had a good time at my aunts house, I guess I just need to get everything out of my system.
lol I need body pump, that's my remedy!
I'm thinking of either going to bed early, or staying up studying, or watching a movie....hmm which sounds better? Sleeeep I think
Posted by Noors at 10:43 PM
jumping banana jellyfish sweets!
that's not nice at all..
but in a way, they WERE on official rounds and i think that if you're on job-duty you wouldn't wanna be distracted..
but nonetheless, i hope it never happens again to you. i hope i wasn't the reason to you being late at that time ;o)
They weren't in rounds when i tried to contact them, I would've understood if it was but it wasn't!
Oh well. I got used to it, it doesn't really matter anyway.:)
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