Saturday, May 28, 2005

An 'er' like day!

Today was so not like my other days at the hospital. True, I've had many interesting experiences, but today I got to see a lot of things that I've only seen on tv, er to be more specific. We were in our morning rounds, it was my first day with this team, though I already knew the docs, so we see an old female patient, and then move to the next when her maid comes and tells us that she stopped talking all of a sudden. We rush there, and they start CPR, they start compressiong and giving her oxygen, and they ended up shocking her with electricity, and intubating her, meaning they put a tube down her throat. The doctor told me to stay with her while they take her to the radiology where we had to rule out a specific problem, and I did, I had to stay with her through that, and until we got her up to ICU, intensive care unit.

Later, during the oncall, a doctor ask me to help her with blood collection, and by mistake some of the blood splashes onto my clothes, lol, I had blood spots all over.

And to end the day, at around 10 pm, another doctor is called to the emergency room for another critical care, so she runs to the A&E, and me and two other guys run behind her, walla it was like a scene from er!!

What a day it has been!

Posted by Noors at 11:55 PM


  1. Blogger Unknown posted at Sun May 29, 05:02:00 AM  
    Reminds me of that day at Royal when we sent my horror yet i thank God then didnt need to shock her
  2. Blogger iamnasra posted at Sun May 29, 12:20:00 PM  
    God.. this reminds me how I love my job and I thank God Im not a doctor...

    Huge resposibilty...
  3. Blogger iamnasra posted at Sun May 29, 12:21:00 PM  
    By the way I want to tell how much I love your blog..its good to see the other side of becoming a doctor...what does it take to become one
  4. Blogger Lym posted at Mon May 30, 05:55:00 AM  
    It's moments like these that make me wish I was a doctor.
    I love the thrill and rush.
  5. Blogger Noors posted at Mon May 30, 11:20:00 AM  
    That was one day that I won't forget.

    All of those patients are doing fine, and are stable and getting better.
  6. Anonymous Anonymous posted at Thu Jun 02, 07:46:00 AM  
    Welcome to Our World ....I Just love it!!

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