Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I know one thing for sure. I'm stressed out. I haven't started my new rotation yet and I'm already tired. There's always so much to do and so little time. Actually, when you do have the time, you just get to this point where it doesn't matter anymore.

Sometimes I just think that I'm gonna collapse with everything that's going on. The stress of the studies, some uni work, my personal life, etc.. it just takes so much energy that you're left breathless by the end of the day. It takes a lot of effort to get through each day. I wake up knowing that I've got tones of stuff to finish. Either studying, or working, emailing this, and writing to that, going up and down, or just sit and think about different things.

Now that I think of it, this is so not like me, lol. I'm a person who can live under pressure, who has been under stress for such a long time that it didn't really matter, most of the times anyway. So I figured that I'd start exercising again, at least go to the gym if I'm not so keen to go to classses where I don't feel comfortable. I guess you can get used to a gym, and I'll go for one which opens up until late so I can go there after a long day in the hospital, and take out all my stress in the weights, that's how I've survived all these years, and that's how I survived pediatrics, I know it'll make a difference, and it's something I love and miss so much, so there you go.

I'm really looking forward to this. Just can't wait till I finish my final on Saturday, and I'll probably go there on Sunday and join the club.

Posted by Noors at 3:12 PM


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