Friday, September 23, 2005

Surprise number 2!!!

This weekend has been one of those where nothing goes right, like I said in an earlier post. Things were just messed up, haha, more like a jinxed weekend.

My aunt and I had planned on going out for dinner with some of my cousins. So we did. We thought we'd go to Nando's since we haven't been there for a while now. There were a bunch of girls who were there, and they had apparently planned a small surprise for their friend's birthday. That was nice.

I had to leave them all for a few minutes to fix my scarf. That's the only time that they were left alone lol. And just before we leave, I see a bunch of the people who work there, coming towards our table, singing 'happy birthday' and holding a piece of cake and a few balloons, LOL!! Now that is something I did not see coming at all. My birthday isn't until Monday, and I've already had my surprise, haha, I never expected to have another one. One of my cousins videoed the whole thing on her phone, and I just couldn't stop laughing when I had a look at my face expression! Apparently, they got the idea when they saw the girls surprising their friend, and used the time that I left them to plan this. It was a sweet thought. They really made me feel wanted and special at that time. I guess I needed it so badly.

I'm blessed with the people around me I tell ya!

Posted by Noors at 11:46 AM


  1. Blogger illogicist posted at Sat Sep 24, 02:35:00 AM  
    I wont be here here on monday, so happy birthday in advance :)
  2. Blogger Noors posted at Sat Sep 24, 11:44:00 AM  
    Thanks Z, that's sweet of you. :)
  3. Blogger Nash posted at Sun Sep 25, 06:20:00 AM  
    happy birthday :)
  4. Blogger Sowhat posted at Mon Sep 26, 05:50:00 AM  
    happy birthday :) wo 3ogbal 100 years ..
  5. Blogger Kay posted at Mon Sep 26, 11:36:00 AM  
    HaPPy BirthDaY!

    my freinds had a suprise party for me once but i knew all along.. didnt let them know i knew. but it was cute seeing them plan it and "try" to not tell me

    btw i love ur new layout.. much nicer then the one u had before. suits u more
  6. Blogger Noors posted at Mon Sep 26, 11:50:00 AM  
    Thank you all for your wishes.

    Wicked, lol, yeah happened to me once too, but it was my sister who was planning it. :P

    And thanks, I like this layout too!

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