Thursday, March 17, 2005

Sorry for the delay. Tuesday didn't go to bed until 4:30 in the morning, I had six cases to prepare for Wednesday's classes.

Wednesday was LONG! After non stop sessions from 8 to 1, we had a meeting regarding our coming conference, that lasted from 1:30 till about 4. Got back home at 5, and left at 6 to the hospital. There was one case to be taken to the OT. lol I'm not going to say what it was, because you guys are just going to be disgusted, but at the same time, I got to do something. What really made me feel good, was that, today, and for the first time in ages, my doctor told me that he was impressed with my enthusiasim to learn more, and to ask a lot, and to be ther in the operating theatre, even if it's late. He said it made him more interested as a teacher to teach. He gave me back my case report, and also gave me some of the threads they use for surgery for me to practice my knots. He said he's testing me on Sunday, during our next oncall. lol I've spent the whole day practicing, and now I can do them quickly. Two cases of appendicectomies came in late, one after the other, at around 10:30. However, I couldn't stay. My eyes were barely open, and by the time they took them to the theatre, it would've been 11:30, meaning that I won't be getting home until 2 am.

Decided to spend the morning shopping. I found these really cute and wonderful earings which I thought would make the perfect gift for Mother's day. Im' taking my dad there tomorrow to have a look at it, and hopefully, I'll end up buying it.

Hmm, nothing interesting much this time. I'm just happy with how things are moving so far. Still not very enthusiastic about Saturday, and about having to go to uni again everyday from now on, but I'll try and make the most of it. Oncalls, will do them in Royal, with my doc, at least I'll be learning something, and hey, maybe it won't be too bad in uni, I might actually have some fun, meet up with my friends there, I haven't been able to see them much in the last month because I'm not there much anymore, so maybe we can catch up with their latest news, oh and I might start exercising, somewhere else, yes, things haven't been solved yet with the other place, so I'm going for an alternative, desperate calls, call for desperate measures.

Okay, I'm gonna go watch 'The English Patient'. I hope it's good, otherwise Sam is in trouble, lol.

Posted by Noors at 11:53 PM


  1. Blogger Tia posted at Fri Mar 18, 09:37:00 AM  
    so your teacher was impressed ha? good :D ...
    see you around

    PS - your write long entries :p

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