Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Okay, I think all I needed to feel better, was to go get my punching bag.

My clinical exam today was good. My first patient was easy going and cooperative that it gave me a boost towards the other stations. One of our consultants in medicine was there, lol, just as a guest. He said he was curious to attend the psychiatry OSCE and see how it's done. We were the first group to be examined, so we were kept in a room, and locked away until the other groups were done.

Anyway, I got my punching bag. I'm still not home yet, and it's in my car. I can't wait till I fill it's base with sand and use it, it's gonna be so much fun.

I'm so hyper, haha!

Posted by Noors at 2:16 AM


  1. Blogger Sleepless In Muscat posted at Wed Oct 12, 04:44:00 AM  
    poor thing..


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