Sunday, September 18, 2005

Another post..

Okay, I'm officially exhausted!

It's only the second day of the week, and I feel like I've had enough of it already! Long hours, running here and there, and I've barely been having any proper hours of sleep, either because I have a lot of work to finish or simply because I just can't fall asleep. Surprisingly enough, or wait, maybe not so surprising, lol, I don't mind it at all. I think keeping yourself busy gives you a purpose to wake up every morning, and takes your mind of other matters that would otherwise overwhelm you.

Let me share with you something which I said this morning which I think the guys in my group thought was silly, hmm, to me it makes perfect sense, well it did at that time.

We had a session this morning about eating disorders, which is a problem found mostly in females. So the discussion was going on, and I just kept quiet, and didn't say a word, until the very end, when I decided to open my mouth, and I said: 'I think that we have to blame men for this. They look for perfect bodies, thus putting a lot of girls in agony trying to have that perfect shape, and so no matter what, a girl would always see herself as being fat, and this also creates all the competitive feelings among girls themselves'. Of course it's not a general comment, but isn't that part of the problem?

What's even more annoying, is how once they are married, and those women lose their shape, because of pregnancy and so forth, a lot of their men start looking around for someone else. Again I'm not generalizing, but you cannot deny the fact that this does indeed, as sad as it is, happen.

Posted by Noors at 11:11 AM


  1. Blogger Samyah posted at Mon Sep 19, 12:13:00 AM  
    lol, I can't believe YOU said that in your classroom full of guys :p

    I think we can lay a lot of blame on men, because its very true what you have said. But at the same time women need to start believing more in their inner selves and valuing themselves for who they are rather how many men they attract. We can't let men control our weight or our eating habits!
  2. Blogger Noors posted at Mon Sep 19, 11:56:00 AM  
    haha, I can't believe it either! You should've seen the looks I got!

    And, yes, I very much agree with you, women shouldn't let men control the way they behave in any possible way!

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