And here's yet another 'thought'
Sometimes we go through phases in our lives where we feel completely disconnected with the world around us. You're so caught up in your thinking, that you become a 'prisoner' of your thoughts.
It's truly a disturbing feeling. You fail to feel for those around you, you might be concerned, but for some reason, deep inside, you can't seem to reach out and absorb exactly what is going around, like there is this thick wall that seperates you from everyone else. You try hard to break through, but eventually, you surrender and give in to the fact that this wall is, at least at that moment, unbreakable.
And when you least expect it, you're being pulled out of that 'world', and when you least expect it, you're back, feeling, connecting, and getting in touch with your family and friends.
Question is, what if it takes longer than you expected?
Posted by Noors at 12:40 PM
the real question is: when are you going to stop giving in to it and fight for what you think is right to be done about it?
I guess, when you know that you're ready to stand up and fight back.
and do you really think that you can wait your entire lifetime for that opportunity to come by or would you rather create it and get it over and done with so you can be on your way with your life?
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