Wednesday, August 24, 2005

One of life's little facts I guess...

I was thinking today, they say that 'time heals all wounds'. I believe so, time does heal your wounds, but I also believe that some wounds are so deep, that when they do finally heal, they leave a scar behind, and you're never the same, even when your wound is healed.

Basic pathology. Big wound, means you get a scar, and so that area is never 'normal' again like it was, and even though it has healed and is back to functioning, it's never going to be the same.

You move on, you grow older, but that scar will change something in you. You always come out of any experience, a bit different from what you were before you had to go through it.

Simple fact of life I guess! Anyone disagrees with me?

Posted by Noors at 12:13 PM


  1. Blogger Tia posted at Wed Aug 24, 11:40:00 PM  
    no one can disagree Noora, very well said. just don't let these scars get to you, acknowledge them but don't lead your life according to them.

    all the best insha Allah
  2. Blogger Sowhat posted at Thu Aug 25, 06:08:00 AM  
    Totally agree with you .. deep wounds leaves scar in our souls .. how ever those scars can be controlled unlike the real one .. amean u Can live with it and it would leave a minimal scar .. but if he/she couldnt live with it, it will end as a keloid scar ..

    but yes it will be always there ..

    sis you are medicalizing everything in your life :)

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