Tuesday, August 22, 2006

OMG! It's an update!

It's been excatly a month since I've updated my blog. I can't believe it's been that long!

Things have been very hectic. I've started my final year, which requires a lot of work and dedication. Plus I'm trying to keep up with my regular gym classes along with the never ending social obligations.

EVERYONE is getting married this summer. I had 5 wedding parties to attend in 1 week. That was crazyyyyyy. Come home late from work, work out at the gym, go to wedding, then come home and stay up until 2 in the morning studying, wake up at 6 the next day and the same cycle continues..I'm glad that's over. Well, almost anyway, two more to go, but at least they're spaced out!

I don't understand why everyone gets married at the same time. Why not space out during the whole year. It's always the summer, mostly August, and January that is busy with weddings. January makes sense, because the weather is nice and you can always have something outside.


Enough about weddings...

I'm going out to celebrate my sister's birthday. And I'd like to welcome a new addition to our family, my 'lil' baby cousin who was born yesterday. He is ADORABLE!


p.s this is NOT a proper update. It's just to tell everyone that I'm still alive and that I haven't really vanished completely from the blogging world. I intend to write a proper and interesting update for you all to read.

Posted by Noors at 8:59 AM


  1. Blogger 3anooda posted at Tue Aug 22, 12:22:00 PM  
    glad to know it wasnt the romantic movies that were keeping u away.

    good to have u back
  2. Blogger 3anooda posted at Fri Aug 25, 12:34:00 AM  
    PS. u just got tagged by me
  3. Blogger Noors posted at Fri Aug 25, 02:50:00 AM  
    haha, I wish it was the romantic movies that were keeping me away..

    Today I was thinking to myself, right, one more wedding to go and we'll be DONE! A few minutes later a friend tells me that we just got invited to a wedding, ahhhhhhhh..

    lol just got tagged ha! Will check it out!
  4. Blogger Meticulousness posted at Sun Aug 27, 12:30:00 AM  
    Well, sorry to break the news but if you haven't noticed, the local society turned the summer season into a breeding season. I myself didn’t gain the chance to get the hell outta here and enjoy the rest of the holiday. Had to attend couple of weddings along the weekly invitations you get for dinners and so.

    I guess they’re somehow forced to have it during the summer, you know holidays and such. It’s an opportunity for some intimate time away from everyone else.
  5. Blogger Nash posted at Mon Aug 28, 05:48:00 AM  
    When outside Oman, you miss all those social events
  6. Blogger Meticulousness posted at Wed Aug 30, 02:23:00 AM  
    Just passing by and letting you know. You've been linked in my bloggers list.

    Thanks for being a frequent reader to my poetry.
  7. Blogger Meticulousness posted at Wed Aug 30, 05:50:00 AM  
    You've been linked to my bloggers list. Thanks for being a frequent reader to my poetry.
  8. Blogger Ahmed posted at Thu Aug 31, 06:18:00 AM  
    I've had to attend about 8 weddings this year all in space of 4 months!
  9. Blogger Noors posted at Sun Sep 03, 09:28:00 AM  
    Nash, i didn't really miss those functions much when I was away. But then again, I was gone for 2 months only lol.
  10. Blogger sensation posted at Mon Sep 04, 07:57:00 AM  
    Hola! :D

    Yeah I missed your posts! I have been checking your blg like twice a weeek but noithing was there! :p
    It's good to have you back :)

    PS:: I have been a bit lazy too, I haven't updated my blog lately but I will do shortly! Stay tuned ;)

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