Friday, August 05, 2005

Sometimes you need a good slap on your face to get you back to reality. I don't know why I'm saying that but I guess, we all somehow live in denial once something happens, and we prefer to pretend that things are still the 'same', that everything is just like it was, and everything is just gonna be okay.

But you know what, sometimes we need to snap back to reality, take an action and be in control, rather than being moved around by everyone and letting others get to you with their own opinions.

Okay, I'm spending too much time on my own, I need to get out! lol

Posted by Noors at 4:52 PM


  1. Blogger Sleepless In Muscat posted at Fri Aug 05, 09:35:00 AM  
    what are you talking about?
  2. Blogger Noors posted at Fri Aug 05, 12:37:00 PM  
    Nothing specific, lol, just me being weird I guess, or perhaps something I just had to say to myself...

    hmm, lol I know that post didn't make any sense at all!
  3. Blogger Sleepless In Muscat posted at Fri Aug 05, 01:52:00 PM  
    weird is when you're doing something familiar yet in a very odd manner. you're not being weird, you're being strange because you wrote that with something on your mind and the best thing you can do about something like that is to talk about it to someone you are comfortable with ..

    take care
  4. Blogger Samyah posted at Fri Aug 05, 03:30:00 PM  
    I totally agree, you should never continously let ppl push u around. There comes a time when it has to stop.
  5. Blogger Noors posted at Sat Aug 06, 03:58:00 AM  
    Well, yeah ghosty, I had a few things on my mind when I wrote that. To me it makes sense, well I know what's behind it.

    You don't always have to talk about what's in your head to others, sometimes, it's just better to keep it all inside I guess.:)

    Lila, thanks, checked your site too btw.

    Sam, yup girl, I'm starting to toughen up, I need it
  6. Blogger Sleepless In Muscat posted at Sat Aug 06, 07:37:00 AM  
    whatever gets you through the night, i guess
  7. Anonymous Anonymous posted at Sat Aug 06, 11:08:00 PM  
    some times keeping in side better.
    take care of your self.
    big brother

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