Thursday, April 20, 2006



Such a deeply meaningful word, which a lot of us these days take for granted, it has become a word that is so easily said, even when it's not entirely or truly meant.

"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Trust in sociology and psychology refers to an open, positive relationship between people, or between people and social institutions such as a corporation or government. More specifically, trust is the belief by one person that another's motivations towards them are benevolent and honest."

So according to the above defintion of the word 'trust', you clearly see that when you use it, you're supposed to mean it, sincerely...

It's so easy to say the words 'trust me', the hard part is to keep your promise and stick by what you say, and put it into action. When you fail to do that, you have failed that person and have truly disappointed them..

Why say it, if you don't really mean it?

One of the things I respect most about some people is that they are a living example of sticking to their words, you can trust them no matter what, and you know that whenver you need them, they will be there for you. The question is, when do you know that you can trust someone? And how much should we trust others? Completely? Should we keep it in our minds that this trust might be broken one day?


On a lighter note, away from all the philosophy, I'm enjoying a delicious home made hot chocolate. mmmm!

Posted by Noors at 7:04 AM


  1. Blogger Sleepless In Muscat posted at Thu Apr 20, 10:01:00 AM  
    to whom does thou trust more; your heart or your mind?

    the answer lead you to the path you seek

  2. Blogger HA! Entertainment posted at Fri Apr 21, 02:50:00 AM  
    ali mehdi, you're a prophet hahaha!

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