In this hectic lives that we lead, we start to build hopes and big dreams, sometimes we dream too much that when we fail to get what we deeply want, we get dissapointed and many times hit bottom rock, and we fail to see a lot of blessings that surround us because we are tunnel-visioned towards that one dream.
Do you ever bother to look at the sky when it's raining? The drops of rain bring life back to earth. Did you ever bother look at the reflection of light against the water while it's raining? The feeling you get when the drop of rain touches your skin? Aren't they all little blessings?
A comment from someone who cares about you. A sweet gesture from a complete stranger, a good hour of exercise, a piece of chocolate, a smile from a child, helping someone who was in deseperate need for a a shoulder to cry on...
Why do we fail to acknowledge these blessings? Why do we get so discouraged because we can't get what we dream of and believe that life has lost it's sweet taste, with only bitterness ahead of us?
I sat today with myself, I started counting my blessings for the day, and all of a sudden, I felt well from the inside. I figured, if I had at least one thing everyday to be thankful for, then that means that I'm very fortunate.
"A grateful person is a powerful person, for gratitude generates power. All abundance is based is based on being grateful for what we have.
"You always, always, always have something to be thankful for".
Posted by Noors at 10:20 AM
That was beautiful Noors, thank you for putting a smile on my face!
very nice post!
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